Compiler directivesΒΆ

DG-SWEM has been written in a semi-modular way, in order to preserve performance on when certain features are not active. As a consequence many compiler directive are used. The directives can be set in Here is a breakdown of the compiler directive options:

  • DRKSSP: Indicates that strong stability preserving Runge Kutta will be used for time integration, with stage equal to or exceeding order.
  • DRKC: Indicates Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev methods will be used for time integration, with stage equal to or exceeding order.
  • DWETDR: Turns the wetting and drying algorithm on.
  • DOUT_TEC: Indicates that tecplot output will be produced relative to the NSPOOL parameters.
  • DSLOPEALL: This means that all slope limiters will be made available for use.
  • DSLOPE5: This means only the BDS limiter will be made available for use.
  • DARTDIF: This means artificial diffusion will be made active.
  • DSED_LAY: Indicates that layered sediment evolution will be computed.
  • DTRACE: This means that a tracer field will be active, that is passively advected by the velocity field.
  • DCHEM: This means that chemistry is turned on.
  • DP0: Indicates that piecewise constants are available for use.
  • DP_AD: Means that p-enrichement or p-adaptivity is activated.
  • DSWAN: Indicates that the nearshore wave model SWAN will be coupled to the solution.

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